Wednesday, September 16, 2015

One of us is crazy and I'm pretty certain it isn't me.

I sent Adam a simple email: Would you like to exchange cash for Concert tickets when I bring Oldest over after her concert?  Do you want printed tickets or would you rather I see if I can just transfer the electronic tickets to you/Oldest Son?

I got a very long response.  Very. Long.

"Hey Heather, I'm going to send a check back with Oldest Son for the Concert ticket and some kind of installment payment on the tax thing.  I'll have to do my bills tonight to see what I can afford but it will probably be in the few hundred dollars range each month until it's paid off.  I'm finally (mostly) out of hot water with the IRS and the credit card companies and Bank holding Mortgage, so i can start to work on this.  I'm also going to call Little Kid School in a min to update my address and your phone number.  Mrs. Second Grade Teacher wants to accelerate Littlest Girl just in reading, so I'll talk to her about that tonight.  I'd like your thoughts on that too.
Heather, a second important thing, can we both start being nice to each other please?  I used to love the ever living fuck out of you.  Some days I still do.  When you're not doing really mean things and threatening or bossing me, I tend to like to do nice things for you and cooperate. I do still think about you all the time believe it or not.  I've hurt you deeply, and you've hurt me deeply, and that all sucks, but let's please not keep doing that over and over and over.  It's stupid and we're both at fault for making things this way.  The kids say you've been much better to them this week so now I'm pretty happy with you.  I love them and if you treat them good and just don't treat me badly, then I'll bend over backwards to help you.  Consider this please.  Thanks. Adam. "

Luckily, I was busy composing my response to the first half of this message before the second half arrived via text.  If I hadn't my laughter would have been too much for me to text anything!

"Please send cash for the ticket.  I am already aware of Mrs. Second Grade Teacher's desire to put Littlest Girl in a third grade class for reading.  I signed the consent to have her and Little Girl tested for advancement, same as the last two years. "

Then he moved to an email reply.  Good thing I was at my desk to switch between the two!

"Exchanging cash for tickets at the same time would work great rather than sending money with Oldest Son. Id like the printed tickets because lots of things can go wrong with electronic transferring (also it will have all ther pertinent information on it). I'd much prefer to use a check for the installment though just so I have a record of it. I can come by your house briefly tonight whenever you're home. Just let me know when is most convenient. "

More laughter ensued.  I shared the conversation with a work companion, aka my filter and Jiminy Cricket.  She was just as amused as me.  I believe her first response was, "What the...?!"

I did not respond.  I couldn't.  I mean what could I even respond with?!

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