Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Something Not Good

I spoke too soon. Or maybe I should continue trying to frame things in a more positive light.  You tell me!

The summer schedule is over and the school schedule is on.  Adam's Wednesday was today so I texted him the little kids' bus stop location, bus number and time.  He texted back that he would not be able to pick them up until 6pm on Wednesdays.  Hmm, this conversation has a deja vu feel.I asked who would be picking them up after school.  He said they would ride the bus to my house just like they do during the week.  I told him no one will be there to supervise them, to which he replied:

"When they get home the other days, the big kids had been picking them up from the bus stop. Is that no longer the case? I loved picking them up from school last year, but I now have classes on Wednesday afternoons and am working three jobs and teaching an overload schedule to get back on my feet. I also don't have a girlfriend or anyone else who can pick them up for me. It's just not possible to make it work or else I would."

Oh how I wanted to rip this apart but I kept my cool and let him know the big kids do not get home until 3pm.  My mom has been helping just like she did last year with the understanding that she has every other Wednesday off.   He did not respond.

About 3 hours later I called to see if the kids were at home because I wanted to make sure they were supervised by mom or at the very least Ms. I Hate the World.  No answer.  I waited 10 more minutes and still no answer.  I sent a follow up text asking if Adam found anyone to pick up the kids.  He stated he had them.  He followed this with, "Tomorrow, Friday, and next time I will be there at 6pm to get them.  Please make sure the littles are not unsupervised."

Pardon me?!

I said it is his "parenting time and it is his responsibility.  If they need to be at the house you are still responsible for coordinating the supervision."  He said the time starts when the kids are out from school meaning all of the kids are out from school.  I said I don't see that wording in the parenting times section.  I see that his Wednesday begins after school.  Nothing noting after all children are out of school.  His response was, "6 is after school."

It was then that I realized I had gotten myself into a discussion with an illogical person and stopped responding.  I used my time more wisely and looked up the docket and found the contempt filing is in and the divorce case is reopened.  I assume that means the judge/magistrate can make any changes deemed necessary when we go in front of him on October 1.

I also looked up Adam's schedule: MWF 12:20-2:20pm.  So he could get the children before 6pm.  I don't care if he is working three jobs and an overload schedule to get back on his feet.  he knocked himself off his damn feet!  And you can bet I will mention this to the magistrate and ask if the child support can be adjusted.  He has made multiple changes to his life that benefited him, it's time the children benefited.  And yes, I want to benefit too.  I am a caseworker for children services: you want to talk about an overloaded schedule?!  I want to get back on my feet too but I can't right now because I'm busy being a mom when not at work.  He has money to pay cash for a house, buy a motorcycle, get tattooed, start smoking, go to bars and musicals, and he has time to take college courses.  I don't expect him to have no life or to be mired down by stress.  I take "me time." I spend some money on myself but not like him.

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