Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A Little Bit of Two Way Communication

It isn't easy keeping Adam in the loop.  I do it though because it is required of me per the parenting agreement.  I know he is their father and that should be the reason I keep him updated but honestly, he is a poor excuse for a father.  I am seeing it more and more.  I hate it, I hate that my children deserve better and they are stuck with him.  He is capable of better and they need it.  

This week I sent this update email:

I was informed that you canceled the dental appointments that were scheduled for this morning.  Did you reschedule those?

I would like to call the children this evening.  What time will they all be available?

Report cards for WB came.  Littlest Girl got straight As.  Little Girl had As and a B in music.  Middle Son had As, Bs, one C, and an F.  His WEP report showed he is not completing work but was able to pull 90s for reading and science and a 54 in math. 

Oldest never turned in her schedule for the coming year.  I have contacted Mr. A (the guidance counselor) to see what she will be signed up for.  Ms. I Hate Everything did not have me sign her schedule request, did you sign it? 

In the last message I sent to you, I wrote that Ms. I Hate Everything was no longer going to counseling because she was not engaging. Since that final visit, she has started cutting again.  She also got her theatre audition results: she had an unsuccessful audition. 

I'll try not to complain too much because he did respond:

Whenever, but call Oldest Son over Facebook.
Thanks for report card information. 
I haven't signed anything. 
She doesn't like counseling.
I'll drop the kids off at your house Friday at 6. 
New address: 145 Virginia

The list of things I will complain about is short.  First, why do I have to use FB to call the children?  He has a phone, is it such a big deal to let them use it?  I did as he said and the reception sucked.  That is not an option in the future.  Second,  I don't care that Ms. I Hate Everything doesn't like counseling SHE HAD A SUICIDE PACT AND A PLAN!  WTF is wrong with Adam?!  That is the end of my complaints pertaining to this email.  

I responded in an edited way: Doesn't the parenting agreement allow you to have the children until 9pm because it is a birthday?  He said, Ok, I'll bring them back at 9 then.

Then I wrote: I'm initiating parenting time so I am responsible for providing transportation. I will pick them up at 9pm. 

Will he ever familiarize himself with the parenting agreement so he has a clue of how things work?

It was great getting the kids back.  It was a very long week especially since Littlest had his 5th birthday while gone.  When I got the kids home I discovered Littlest had a shiny birthday present from himself- a black eye.  he said he ran into the gate at the pool.  Wouldn't it be nice if Adam had bothered to say, Hey, Littlest got hurt while playing.   I made sure he was okay and iced it.  I think it would be nice to have him tell me that kind of thing instead of just letting me finding it out.  Kind of like how it would be nice if he let me know about dying hair, shaving hair, or piercing ears.  Maybe that's just me though.  

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