Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Letter I Intended To Send But Chickened Out

Dear Adam,

I understand you feel I desire a hostile relationship with you based on the emails you have sent me in the last couple of months.  I assure you I do not want anything other than a co-parenting relationship.  I recognize that it is difficult for you to communicate in a neutral manner because you feel I have ulterior motives.  You have also mentioned that it is difficult for you to be nice because it is awkward and uncomfortable.  However, you voluntarily entered into a co-parenting agreement and that does require communication on both our parts.  I would hope that you could use better judgement and look at the communication I have sent you over the last six months and see that I in fact have not been hostile.  I have done what was expected of me as a co-parent: I have informed you of things going on with the children.  I don’t do this to open up a friendly line of communication, I do this because I also signed the co-parenting agreement.  I don’t ask your input on hair cuts because I want to talk to you, I do it because it is required of me.  It is also required of you. 

I would like if you would stop the passive aggressive approach you have adopted and actually parent the children with me.  I would like it if you followed through with what has been court ordered such as paying your portion of school and psychological fees.  I have not incurred unnecessary costs on behalf of the children.  The school the three oldest children attend was agreed upon prior to the divorce so you knew the cost.  I did not decide to have Ms. I hate Everything attend therapy and thus incur more fees: she was suicidal.  Our daughter wanted to end her life and had a plan to hang herself in your basement.  She had a list of ways to kill herself and why they would or would not work.  She had a suicide pact with her friend, a friend that did in fact attempt suicide and sent photos of the attempt to our daughter.  If you think this is all my imagination look through Ms. I hate Everything’s texts, ask to see the suicide letter she left, or simply look at the cut marks that are so visible on her arms and thighs.  It does not matter that she does not like therapy; she also apparently does not like her life.  She does not need to be told she is a free spirit and is free to make her own decisions.  She does not need to be told that because her parents are divorced you do not need to ask my permission for things that affect her.  She needs to be told her parents both love her and will work together to help her.  

I have tried to get your assistance in taking children to dental appointments.  I made a suggestion that would have me taking them to physicals and vision screenings and you taking them to two dental cleanings a year.  You declined.  I then let you know of appointments that were scheduled during your parenting time and you cancelled those appointments.  You are defaulting on your obligation as a parent by not helping with these responsibilities.  The parenting plan states that we each share equal responsibility for the custody, care, maintenance, and control of the children.  This means you share in the responsibility of making sure they get dental cleanings and have regular medical care and vision screenings.  It does not fall all on me to manage and arrange.  It does mean potentially taking time off work for both of us. 

I understand that I cannot tell you how to parent or even to parent.  I can tell you what is in the parenting agreement that you signed.  You agreed, and therefore are court ordered to pay the money I have already discussed.  You have been provided with receipts for the visit to Dr. Pediatrician and the ER.  You have been provided the receipts for some of her therapy sessions.  You were given the contact information for the facility and are capable of calling to verify the information and calculating 65%.  You were also informed prior to Wicked that it was a requirement for Oldest Son’s theatre magnet.  You were told the price and took him to the theatre.  Outside of the parenting agreement you also agreed to split the federal and state tax refund equally.  You told me the amounts of these refunds and said you would give me a check for my half.  I understand you never received a check from the IRS but you did receive the refund in full as a payment toward a debt you agreed to pay.  It has also been brought to my attention that you paid cash for a house which tells me you could have paid me the money owed.  You choose to not pay. 

I have choices to make as well.  I can choose to continue letting you off the hook as far as the court orders go but that is not in the best interest of the children.  I can also choose to work with you, which is what I have been trying to do.  I am frustrated as the response I get from you is not cooperative.  Which leads me to another option, I can file contempt charges.  I have already met with my attorney and inquired with the court.  I have the evidence in writing from your emails and texts.  I also have the evidence from invoices to show I have made more than my required share of payments for school and therapy.  I don’t want to file contempt charges, that will not move us toward a cooperative co-parenting relationship.  I would like to work this out between the two of us.  If I am unable to get a response from you or if your response is similar to what you have already sent (or not sent) I will have to take that final option and file contempt.  If you doubt my follow through remind yourself that when you went against our agreement last year I filed for divorce.  If that doesn’t convince you it might do you well to remember that I was the one that filed the eviction papers and the civil complaint documents for the former tenants.  If that still does not convince you of my abilities or willingness to file contempt it would be wise to recognize that I write court motions as part of my job  I compile evidence and testify in court on a regular basis.  I am neither ignorant nor intimidated by the process.  Please do not confuse me writing this as an ultimatum or a threat.  It is neither, it is simply me spelling out what needs to change and the options for going about it.  I look forward to hearing from you and hope you are willing and able to move pass the negative feelings you hold against me as your ex-wife and will work with me as the mother of our children. 

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