Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Letter I Did Send (or email)

Dear Adam,

I have attempted to engage you in communication regarding the tax refund and being paid my portion.  Either you have not received these emails or have chosen to not respond.  I would like to move forward with a cooperative way of communicating.  I would like to not rely on the courts to enforce the divorce decree or parenting agreement.  I would see it as a hostile move on my part to file contempt charges against you; and I would really like to avoid that move. 

If you would also like to avoid contempt charges and bringing the court into our lives, any more than it is already, please respond regarding the money you owe me.  I would appreciate a response concerning the tax refund as well as the reimbursement for the school and psychiatric fees.  

If I do not hear from you by June 30th or if you do not present a good faith plan, I will assume you want me to move forward with filing contempt charges.  I have contacted the court and the process is simple for me.  I fill out a form that is available online and submit it with evidence.  The evidence is simple as well.  For the tax refund: the divorce decree that outlines your obligations and mine as far as debt and the filing of the 2014 tax return, the tax return itself, a screen shot of the IRS website that states the money was applied to your debt.  The school fees and psychiatry fees are a similar process. 

I want to make it clear; I do not want to involve the court.  We are both mature adults and should be able to cooperate when it comes to the orders of the court.  I understand circumstances arise that will require us to detour from the exact orders but in those cases we need to communicate and agree on the detour. 


I sent this email tonight.  I sent it to his personal email account on gmail and the two work emails he has used to email me.  Some might say that is overkill but he has used the excuse before that he didn't get a message because it wasn't delivered or because his gmail fills up so quickly.  

Who thinks I will get a response?  Who thinks it will be a nice response?  Mean response?  

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