Wednesday, June 17, 2015

One Way Communication

It will never stop being difficult.  I will always have things to write about because Adam will never stop being the way he is.  I'm tired.  The filter I use when I communicate with him is worn thin.  I don't want to cooperate anymore.  It isn't fair that I am being the bigger person time and time again while he does what he does and there is nothing that can be done but for me to shut up and put up.  I want to yell.  I want to swear and tell him everything I hate about what he has done to me and to the children.  I want someone else to tell him what a prick he is and how much he disgusts them.  I want him to be told he is the problem not me.  But what is that saying about wanting?  Crap in one hand and want in the other and see which one fills up faster?  Is that it?

How has June gone for me so far?  Shitty.  I asked Adam to "Please send the black communication folder back so I can use it to get documents to" him.  Not only documents (like report cards) but I type up an update letter for the kids and put that in the folder.  Without the folder I am left to send emails.  I don't mind emails because either way I am typing but the folder meant he got all the info in one place.  It was organized.  The first email of June continued:

Has a dentist appointment for a cleaning on June 8 @ 9am.  
His report card had 2s for all sections (performing at level) except for counting to 20 for which he got a 1 (performing   above standard).
Very excited about his birthday, counting down the days excited.

Littlest Girl
Has a dentist appointment for fillings on June 8 @ 9am.

Little Girl
No updates

Middle Son
No updates

Ms. I Hate Everything
Has not been engaging in counseling so it is on hold.
Has a dentist appointment for a cleaning on June 8 @ 9am.  
Please explain what happened to her hair and why I was not brought into the decision.  

*The hair- when Adam returned the children he left Ms. I Hate Everything to take the heat for a decision he made and should have consulted me about first...He dyed her hair orange.  Yes, he sure did.  He took our beautiful red headed child and dyed her hair orange.  Awesome.

Oldest Son
Has decided to participate in the early bird schedule at school next year.  This will allow him to take an extra class.  He is considering a graduation requirement but might take an elective.  
Invited to a party on June 5 from 6-9, so is Oldest. They want to know if they can go.  

Will have counseling once a month.

The elementary school kids all brought home sign ups for soccer.  Practices will be during the week and games usually on the weekend but sometimes weeknights.  The season runs from late July until mid October.  The cost is $45-55 depending on age. I will sign one child up as I can only get one to practice at a time.  If you are willing to take another child to practices let me know and I will register that child as well.  For now I am leaning toward Littlest because he won't have the option to do the summer concert. 

I got a home phone for the children to use.  If you would like to call them the number is 123-4567. Please respect that the little children go to bed at 7:30pm and the older kids are settling down by 8:30pm.  Limit calls on weeknights to allow for them to keep to this bedtime schedule.  

I never got a response from you concerning the tax refund so I looked it up online.  If you did not already know, the full refund was applied to your debt.  Please get my portion of the refund to me immediately ($1100 for Federal and $230.50 for State).  
As for money you owe me as reimbursement for school fees and medical copays, would you like to suggest a payment plan?  

He never responded to this message.  

The children went to his house shortly after I sent the message.  They let me know he was closing on his new house in a few days.  Yay for him.  He told Oldest Son he was paying cash and wouldn't have a house payment so he would have more money for fun stuff.  I wonder if it means he will also have money to pay me?  Maybe?  He cancelled the dentist appointments.  He didn't bother asking if I could take the children or even to reschedule, he didn't even tell me he cancelled, the kids gave me that info.  Ms.  I Hate Everything told me the reason I wasn't brought into the hair discussion; Daddy said since you are divorced he doesn't have to ask your permission anymore.  Oh, and apparently he told her she is a free spirit so she can do whatever she wants.  Great parenting.  

Last bit: he didn't accept my invitation to call the children.  

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