Saturday, March 28, 2015

Adam appreciates me being nice

March 3, 2015

Tomorrow Adam has the appointment with the notary.  He said, plan to meet as close to 1PM as I can, at Key Bank. He'll also bring the van title and get that notarized to give back to me.  That only took him a month! He added "I'll be leaving from there to pick up the kids from school, so the earlier you can make it the better."  

March 4, 2015

I had a colleague/friend go with me to the bank.  I did not want to go alone and risk having Adam talking to me.  I'm sure he would come off as friendly and I wouldn't be in any danger but the physical reactions I have to being around him are panic.  We got to the bank at at 1:10pm.  I found the notary and he said Adam had scheduled for 1:15pm.  Adam wasn't there.  He didn't get there until 1:23pm.  He walked in and looked at me and my friend and was instantly grumpy faced.  My friend was the one that called it (after we left).  We got the forms signed and notarized.  As Adam was signing he asked the notary what the date was.  Um, try, our daughter's birthday.  Not a hard date to remember.  He didn't say a word to me during the signing.  

March 10, 2015

Can I believe that we have found a groove with cooperative communication?  Let's see.  
I emailed Adam: "I will be out of town for training on May 14 and 15.  If I marked my calendar correctly, that leads up to one of your weekends.  Would you be able to keep them from Wednesday (also your day) straight through until Monday?  If I marked my calendar wrong, can you keep them from Wednesday 13 starting at night until Friday 15 at night?

Also, thank you for getting Little Girl's birthday stuff back.  I bought a big girl puzzle for her so she and I could have some special time together.  She said she opened it at your house and dumped the pieces out.  Can you look for 3-4 edges pieces?"

Adam's response: "I'll look at my calendar when I'm not in the move today and get back to you soon, but probably.  It's cute that you guys are doing puzzles together. :) I like it. I know that their one on one time with you is really important to all of them. I just cleaned the upstairs and I saw some pieces and put them in a basket.  I'll bring them over next time j swing by your area. 

Good luck with selling the house. I saw that it was up for sale and the pictures look beautiful. You've done a really good job getting it prepped. I'm sad because I still really want that house, but I wish you luck because I know it will make things easier for you. 

Take care and thanks for the nice email,
Adam "
..."Yes. I checked my calendar, and my parenting schedule that week matches what you had said. I can keep the kids from May 13th through the morning of Monday, May 18th. 

Thanks for giving me the advance notice. :)


Sounds nice, right?  Humour me while I dissect for a bit. 
* In my email I thanked him for getting the birthday gifts back to my house and left out the part about him being incredibly disrespectful for taking the children to my (yes and their) home on Wednesday afternoons when I am not home and having the children remove things from the house.  Those gifts never should have left my house unless I authorized it.  And he shouldn't be taking the kids to the house!  While they were at the house they let the dog out of the mudroom.  What if there had been a showing and the dog attacked someone or got outside?  Nevermind the fact that he pooped in the dancing room while loose.  
*Those darn smiley faces using punctuation!  He can stop already.
*I know that one on one time is important too, jackass.  That's why it was so upsetting when you left and I had to start working full time.  That's why I resent him for sending the kids off on weekends or he just sits on his computer instead of actually engaging with his children.  If he doesn't want the time why did he take it?!
*"Nice email" and "Advance notice"  that's called doing what I have done since you left, jackass.  I'm doing nothing new here.  

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