Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I dislike him

Feb. 16, 2015

Oldest Son asked Adam if he was going to have them today, and Adam told him no not
realizing today was President's Day. Adam told me if I already planned something with the children,  I can continue to have them today. If not, he can come pick them up from the house. Let me know what you prefer. Here's the confusing thing, page three of the parenting agreement states he has the children today but the standard orders that are attached to the end of the orders states I
 have them today.  If we go by page three, he forfeited his time as of 9:30am but it also means he gets them for Thanksgiving two years in a row.  I am willing to compromise and he can pick them up today if he agrees that I get them for Thanksgiving in odd years and he gets them for even years.  Sounds fair doesn't it?  Adam admitted it was confusing but he also admitted he was not in favor of changing the Thanksgiving part of the agreement yet, mostly because it's a big departure from the order. He isn't opposed to the idea in principle, he just don't want to get into
bargaining and trading things away outside the constraints of the order. He added that he misses the kids, but he'll just plan to pick them up on Wednesday during his normal parenting time.  I know this is a difference in opinion but if it were me and I was being offered time with my kids i would jump on it.  He misses them but will wait, what if they miss him and would like to spend the day with him?  I guess he is only thinking about him.  If that is how he chooses to do things fine, I'll leave my opinion to myself.

I emailed him later in the day that I just purchased Oldest Son's ticket to Wicked.  The total cost was $49; your half is $24.50.  Please add this to the $84.50 for Ms. Middle Child's psychological copays.  I will expect reimbursement by end of week.  
Yeah, I got snippy.  I was short in my response and if he reads some aggression behind my words he would be right.

Feb. 17, 2015

I got a response from Adam concerning the reimbursement.  "Last month, I paid a number of medical bills and co-pays totaling somewhere in the $250 - 290 range. This will change your totals if we are starting from when the temporary order was filed. If, however you want to start the medical co-pay arrangement fresh from charges incurred in February, we can do that also. Either way I'll need you to please scan receipts to substantiate each of the expenses and I'll send a check through USAA given a reasonable amount of time to process and verify the information. 

Please advise on which way you'd prefer. 

Will you also be giving me a check for the ~$450 total from DP&L and delivering the white iPhone I'm still paying on? I expect both of those ASAP."

WTF?!  He didn't take the children to any medical appointments!  If by some slim chance he did, he is in contempt for not telling me and if he had to pay for those visits that means it wasn't for a well visit and I should most definitely know!  I'm not denying he paid some money but most likely it was for specialty appointments the children had months ago.  I already paid my portion of those visits, when I took the kids or mom took them.  And I am not wanting to total things from when the temp order went into place but from when the actual divorce was finalized.  And I take a huge offense at him insinuating that I am lying about these costs and he will send a check in a reasonable amount of time after he can verify the information.  Bite me, asshat!  I don't get the option to pay when I feel like it!  I pay when the bills come in or when the kids need to receive care.  I haven't lied about those things.  
I will not be paying him any money until he can verify that there is money in the DP&L account that he paid.  I show I paid my bills, not him.  Instead of huffing about it all in my response I simply wrote: "I was only counting medical charges starting from January when the parenting orders were created. I will make photocopies of all receipts. I haven't had time to verify with DP&L that any money was credited to my account that I did not pay.  Feel free to give them my work number and have them call me. You did not request the white phone be returned to you when "personal items" were discussed in court. "
This message was received and he responded: "No, I did not remember to include it. However, I am still having to pay payments on the phone to T-Mobile which increases my phone bill each month. You submitted a financial affidavit which claimed that you had to pay somewhere around $247 for the T-mobile phone bill each month, which would have included your payment on your iPhone. As it is now, you stuck me with the bill and kept the phone. This is both dishonest and aggressive. If you would like to pay the remainder of the balance on your phone, then I will not require the phone back."

I think he needs to read that financial affidavit closer.  I was neither dishonest not aggressive.  The affidavit asked that I list the household costs.  It went on to require me to estimate a bill amount if I was not the one currently paying it.  I based the $247 on what we paid before Adam moved out.  I estimated.  i also gave credit to him as the person covering that bill.  Adam is the one that provided his home budget and what he thought mine was, to the court.  

Feb. 19, 2015

There was a snow day today.  The parenting agreement has stated that Adam will take the kids to school unless there is no school, then he will keep them until 6pm, on Mondays, or return them to me by 7:30am.  He waited until 7:28am to send me the message: The kids' school was cancelled this morning because of cold / unsafe driving conditions. I'll drop them off back at your house when it's safe to do so. 
What I find interesting about his email is he states why school was cancelled.  Have you ever seen how school closings are announced?  It's a scrolling message on the news.  He is assuming it was cold and unsafe driving.  Well, since I drove to work I can say the roads were perfectly fine.  

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