Tuesday, February 3, 2015

No lice, no paying bills

August 5, 2014

           The school has a scheduled preview day and high school orientation.  And we also have Rehearsal.  Rehearsal trumps orientation.  The kids went to the school during the day and got their schedules.  The girls were shown around the school by their brother and he helped them find their lockers.  I got permission from my supervisor to skip lunch so I could flex out an hour early.  I used that time to go with the kids back to the school and see the classrooms.  Then we rushed home for dinner and to grab the other kids for rehearsal.  I texted Adam pictures of the school schedules so he’ll know teachers and such.  One schedule was a bit screwy: missing creative writing, they placed him in the wrong Spanish class and math class.  The principal will email the corrected schedule.  Adam did not respond to my text.
            No lice!  No living or dead lice!  Let’s hope this continues. 

August 6, 2014 

            I had a basically good day at work.  The weeks seem to have a pattern of slow and easy calls followed by busy and hard calls.  This week is the busy kind.  I use the drive home as a decompression period but it is such a relief to see my kids healthy and happy.  As crazy chaotic as all the kids can be, I need to see them and have them with me after hard days at work. 
            Adam seems to have forgotten to change his address with a couple of places.  Today in the mail I received a Thank you letter from the place we took dance lessons.  I am guessing Adam has decided to take up lessons again.  He also got a reminder card from the dentist that he has an appointment next week.  I texted to let him know,  just in case he hadn’t changed his phone number as well.
            No lice again!  Yeah! 

August 7, 2014

            Showtime!  I dropped the kids off at The Theatre.  After the show, Gary left quickly so as because we didn’t think it would be fair to ambush Adam like that in public. I was surprised to see Adam's brother waiting with the kids when I got out of the theatre and went to collect them.  I thought, maybe, Adam had sent his brother to wait with the kids so as to not make him or me uncomfortable.  I was wrong.  Just a few minutes later Adam and what I suppose is his new girlfriend walked up and gave the kids after show treats.  The kids didn’t know who this person was telling them “good job” and handing them treats.  It made for a very awkward situation that should have only been happy. 

August 8, 2014

            Adam did not transfer $425 per our agreement.

August 10, 2014

            I guess Adam had a birthday party for oldest boy.  One of his friend's showed up asking if he was at the right place.  Nope, sorry kid.  They had cake, pizza, and the “birthday loaf.”  In other words, gluten, gluten, gluten.  I’m not too worried about the cheating with gluten but the birthday loaf was my tradition with the kid.  I had planned to either bake him a gluten free version or order one at a specialty bakery.  I’m a little upset that Adam took my tradition. 
            When the kids got home they told me about hanging out with Jenny (the girlfriend) all weekend.  I find it unfair that Adam can insist I respect his wishes when it comes to the children but he very obviously ignores my requests.  I don’t mind the children meeting his girlfriends.  It just seems like I should be respected as their mother and be given some information about a person that will be spending a lot of time with them.  It would also be nice if there weren’t these double standards.  I understand his concerns.  I respect that he is the father of my children and we will be required to communicate about important things and little insignificant things.  I hope he realizes the same thing and soon. 
            The other thing brought to my attention when the kids got home was littlest's nasty cough.  I texted Adam asking how long littlest had been sick.  If it had been all weekend, I asked if Adam thought it was getting better, if not I would take him to Dr. in the morning.  He never responded.  It makes it difficult to make decisions about the children if he refuses to communicate.  I don’t even know if littlest has had any medicine, which means I cannot give him any. 
            This was also another “we didn’t get dinner” Sunday.  From what I can gather, Adam considered the pizza during the party (around 4pm) dinner. 
            For the first time in over a month, Adam returned the kids lice free.  Hallelujah!

August 11, 2014

            I have a 13 year old now.  My how times have gone by quickly.  I gave his gifts before I left for work.  No need to make the child wait!  I tried calling him throughout the day to do the traditional “Birthday Story” but for some reason all the phones on the T-Mobile account were ringing busy.  They could make calls out but no one could receive a call.  I ended up telling him his story at dinner instead. 
            The phones being wonky made me worry that Adam had cancelled the phone service.  I called and T-Mobile said they didn’t show any cancellations or any other reason for the phones to not be working.  It was very odd.  This phone issues added to how I started my day, a call from ATT saying our service was about to be cancelled, so I took the time to call all the other companies that have accounts connected to me or this house.  I was not very happy at what I learned.  It would appear that Adam stopped paying ATT and Vectren and DP&L.  All those bills are in my name but he changed the billing address when he moved out.  Since he was paying them I didn’t want to rock the boat and make him think I was taking his control away.  Obviously, I should have taken it back because now my credit and utilities are in danger.  All other bills: mortgage, water/sewer, T-Mobile, have been paid.  Well, the water doesn’t really count because it has a credit of about $259, so he isn’t exactly paying it.

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