Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The problem with being an idiot is the not thinking

October 2, 2014

I promised two of the elementary school kids they could go to an after school activity.  Mom can pick them up but I thought I would give Adam the option.  He said he isn’t available because of work stuff. 
 He added that he was able to pay the mortgages but had to let some of the other bills go unpaid because his check is less than he expected.  He said they just started taking out taxes and insurance so it’s about $400 less.  I did not respond.  I wanted to but I didn’t.  The very thing I was worried about happening when he opted to take a lower paying job is happening: there isn’t enough money.  It’s worse now because he has more obligations.  I’ll be interested to know what bills went unpaid; he didn’t say.  I’m curious to know why things are so tight when he has Spencer living with him.  Is Spencer not helping with the bills of that house?  I’m curious what happened to Adam’s plan to work a second job when he switched to the university job.  Before we separated, he was adamant that money would not be a problem.  Looks like he was wrong.

October 4, 2014

Two of the children were complaining that their shoes are broken or too small.  I was out and about and texted Adam to see what size they each wear.  He was very helpful and responded quickly.  He in turn asked if the kids had winter jackets.  I told him I would check when I got home.  I was able to find one for four of the seven kids.  Adam volunteered to take the kids without any jacket to Goodwill or Once Upon A Child to get one.  
Later Adam asked about the tummyache littlest has had for a couple days.  Mom told him about it when Adam picked the kids up.  She told him Tums seems to help.  Adam said he didn’t have any but could give him an Altoid.  I hope that was a joke.  Anyway, he asked me if I thought it was a virus or IBS.  Considering everyone except the oldest has had a stomach bug in the last two weeks I am guessing a virus. 

October 5, 2014

I asked how littlest was feeling.  Adam said better.  He thought littlest was just constipated so he gave him oatmeal and “fiber foods.”  Within a few hours, Adam’s “cure” wasn’t working and littlest was curled up whining.  Adam is certain it’s IBS. 
When I got the kids home littlest was acting okay and wanted a little bit of food.  I checked with Adam to see what he had eaten already.  He fed him tacos and jello.  He also gave him part of a fiber pill.  I’m not going to question his way of dealing with an upset tummy but I wouldn’t have given the kid tacos or a fiber pill. 

October 8, 2014

I got the support orders in the mail.  So did Adam.  He isn’t happy.  He said it’s almost his entire check and he won’t be able to pay all his bills so now the house will get foreclosed on.  He said I’ll have the kids this weekend and Halloween.  He asked that I make sure they have costumes and to let them know he loves them. 
I replied that I don’t want to lessen his parenting time and we can keep to the schedule we have now.  He can also have them for Halloween because they were all planning on it.  He said he can’t afford to do Halloween or to feed the kids.  He said he also can’t afford to violate the court order.  I pointed out that we can change the schedule if we want and agree. 
I am biting my tongue with everything else I want to say.  He can get another job.  He doesn’t have to catastrophize the situation and just give up.  If he wants to spend time with the kids he can make it happen. 

October 9, 2014

I thought about Adam’s text first thing this morning.  So I sent him the following text:
The Standard Order states that if we are in agreement there can be another parenting schedule. Before I tell the kids that they won't be seeing you until next Wednesday, I want to be clear about your decision.  Would you like to adjust the orders so that we continue with the arrangement we already had?  We could morph the orders and our plan and you could also have the Wednesday 6-9pm.  Or do you want to follow the Standard Orders?

What I got in return was: “I would like the orders adjusted so neither of us have to lose a house and we can both feed children.  That would be helpful.  That’s what dissolution was intended for.  Divorce obviously benefits you but is far far worse for the kids and puts me completely at the mercy of the legal system.  It’s not my decision, I can’t afford to feed them.  I already paid both mortgages this month, but have to pay the full amount.  That leaves me less than zero dollars.”

I was very tempted to remind him that it wasn’t so long ago that I was completely at his mercy and he told me it wasn’t his problem.  Or he would tell me to get a job.  Or the time he said I should budget better.  I didn’t say any of that.  I also didn’t remind him of the times he went away for the weekend and I had to figure out how to feed the kids during the time he would normally feed them.  Or the time he refused to give me any money and I had to figure out how to make my money stretch so I could feed the children.  I didn’t let him know of the struggle it has been since he stopped paying me in June. 
I could have told him any of that but it wouldn’t have helped.  Instead I simply asked for a clear answer about visitation.  He said he can’t be clearer, he already told me. 
Then he said, “And it’s unethical to expect me to provide 50 percent of their care while taking money to represent that you provide everything for them.  So I hope that was not your intention.”
I was simply asking if he wanted to see the children.  I found myself, once again, biting my tongue.  I could have informed him that visitation and support are not tied together.  The support is meant to maintain the home so the children aren’t changing standards of living between parents.  And since when does Adam provide 50% of the care?  I have the responsibility of providing for them 119 hours a week and he has 49 hours.  Or, we each have the responsibility of providing for them 24hrs of everyday because we never stop being their parents no matter who has them. And it isn’t unethical to expect him to pay a higher percentage considering he makes a higher income. 

As frustrating as the morning was, night was worse.  I sat the kids down at dinner to let them know about the orders.  I explained what child support is and spousal support.  I let them know what temporary custody orders are and Standard Orders.  During the discussion they asked questions and it was all fine.  Oldest son raised his hand and said, “Daddy said we need to get all our stuff from his house because he is moving.”  This threw me so I told him to hold on while I wrapped up what I was doing with everyone.
When I asked Oldest son to explain he repeated himself.  I asked him how he knew this and he said Adam texted him.  I asked when, he said yesterday.  I asked Oldest son if he would mind reading me the text.  This is when things got the opposite of “all fine.”  He read the wrong text.  It was still from Adam and it was still from yesterday.  It had a lot more details.  Worse, the little kids didn’t need to hear the information from a text let alone their brother. 

“Kids. I got a temporary child support order from your mom’s attorney.  She has you for Beggar’s Night and I’ll only see you once every two weeks.  Also I don’t have enough money this month to pay my bills or groceries so you have to do your Halloween costumes by yourself or with mommy.  Also Jenny broke up with me, so you won’t see her anymore either.  Sorry guys.” 

Followed by:

“I can’t pay my mortgage here though.  So next time you visit please get all of your things and take them back to mommys.”

I think the little kids would have been fine with some of that information because I had just talked to them.  The problem was Jenny.  They had really gotten attached to her and finding out that an important person in their life was gone was too much.  One of the little girls was hysterical.  She crawled into my lap and was bawling.  That’s why I asked Adam that we both wait six months to introduce boy/girlfriends to the kids.  Children get invested immediately.  He didn’t listen, he didn’t respect my wishes as a parent and now my children are hurting. 

The next issue: he texted the children last night before he texted me.  He texted the children, period.  What was he thinking?!  He basically left it up to the older kids to tell the younger kids.  What kind of person does this?  What kind of man does this?  What kind of parent does this? 

The next problem is the lies.  He makes it sound like my lawyer is telling him he has to pay and that he doesn’t get to see the children.  No, the court ordered these things.  He doesn’t get to see them once every two weeks.  He gets to see them every Wednesday and every other weekend. 

Another problem, he basically kicked them out.  Why are they being told to pack their stuff and get out?  He’s the parent, he should pack their things and either bring it to this house or take it all to wherever he moves. 

He’s an idiot that isn’t thinking.  I’m sorry but he really is.  He is not thinking about how his actions (reactions) effect the kids.  He isn’t thinking about their emotional or mental well-being.  He just isn’t thinking.

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