Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Best wishes

Jan. 5, 2015

I get Adam's mail on occasion.  Today it was a disconnect notice for water.  I am faintly reminded of his comment nearly a year ago, the one about him being in charge of the bills because he wanted to make sure bills got paid.  Hm, interesting.

Jan. 8, 2015

Tonight, Little Girl came into my room crying because Adam wasn't answering her texts.  I asked him to text her.  His reason for not answering was he had been asleep.
While I had his attention, I asked if he wanted to start the new parenting time that was read into record at the divorce hearing today.  I gave him the choice because the divorce isn't actually final yet. His attorney was responsible for having the divorce decree and parenting agreement written prior to the hearing.  He showed up empty handed.  He didn't even have the edits from the dissolution version.  My attorney wrote up a very rough draft so we would have something.  All that meant was our case was heard two hours late because we still had negotiating and editing to do.  I could go on and on about it but I will refrain.  It mostly makes me sound spoiled.  Maybe I'll have a ak moment in the future but not now.  Right now I am just happy it is done.
Back to the offer I made to Adam.  He didn't know what I meant.  I texted the new agreement has him keeping them every other weekend but extends the time to Monday.  I asked if he wanted to start that schedule now or wait until the papers get filed.  He chose to start the extended weekends.

Jan. 11.  2015

I found out Middle Daughter has a Facebook account again.  I asked Adam why.  I really wanted to know why she has two.  He said he didn't know.  I commented that she is continuing to be sneaky but mostly bad at the sneaky part.
His response was interesting.  "I appreciate your efforts trying to discuss kid stuff with me, but I want to let you know that I don't feel comfortable talking with you after everything that has happened in e divorce.  Best wishes in your life.
Um, he is not comfortable?  How does he think it has been for me?!  I've had to negotiate with my rapist!  I've had to concede to my abuser!  He claimed I needed to stop playing the victim, did he forget he put me in that role?  I wonder if his discomfort comes from him feeling guilty.  I doubt it.

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