Friday, February 6, 2015

School is open!

September 1, 2014

            Adam texted the oldest son to let him know he missed him.  Adam also asked the oldest son for some ideas for birthday gifts for little girl.  I think it is great that Adam has an avenue to communicate with the oldest son at any time but there are six children that get left out.  The three littlest children don’t understand all these changes and they are the ones really in need of hearing from Adam more often. 
            Somehow Adam was able to pay off the joint credit card.  It was over $17,000.  It’s good that he is paying off joint debt but I wonder where the money came from.  Maybe the money he planned to use to purchase that other house?
            On Wednesday I have a phone appointment with the county to see if I can get foodstamps.  If I can get assistance, that will free up money so I can cover the kids’ school fees.  I can pay the electric bill that Adam stopped paying in June.  I can buy more food!  I think the oldest son will squeal if he can go back to having an apple before bed. 

September 3, 2014

            The county called the wrong number for my food assistance phone interview.  That’s the second time they have not done their job correctly.  Now I have to wait three weeks and set aside another five hours of a workday for another appointment.
            It’s that time of year where I need to get the oldest son, little girl, and soon middle son, in for their yearly well visits.  This is the month all the kids would get the flu-mist/shot.  I emailed Adam asking if the kids were still covered under the Empire medical plan that he had at his last employer.  If not, does he know when the new coverage kicks in.  He said the papers just got filed and I’ll need to wait 15 days.  I asked that he let me know all of our info as soon as he gets it.  I am willing to wait to make the well-visits closer to middle son's birthday.  I am wondering what will happen if someone gets sick or hurt.  I am also wondering if there was a coverage gap type of insurance Adam could have gotten to cover what will be nearly a month of no health or dental coverage for the children.  If he was going to have a gap why didn’t he tell me to sign them up on my work plan when I asked about that?  I am also wondering if this puts him in contempt of one of the restraining orders that is par for the course in divorce cases.  Would it be spiteful of me to ask my lawyer?  I don’t want to upset Adam but I also think it is a huge gamble to have no coverage with seven children. 

September 4, 2014

            I had a parenting fail today.  I forgot that the middle/high school rescheduled their open house for tonight.  Ms. Middle Child reminded me while I was driving home.  I was steeling myself to continue my day when I drove by the school and saw Adam's car.  I am impressed that he went.  I told the three oldest they could head over and spend the time with him.  I figure I met the teachers last year and I can always call them on the phone if I need to.  I was also hoping that if Adam was in a good mood and enjoying the kids that he would pay their fees.  I know that is wishful thinking but I would imagine the obligation of paying for his children's needs would be right in his face and he would pay.  I'll call tomorrow and find out. 
            The event ended at 7:30pm.  Two children came home shortly before that and asked if the oldest was back.  She was not.  The oldest son said she had run ahead of them and they didn't know where she went.  I asked where their dad was at and the oldest son told me "Daddy left after the final class met." Right then I stopped being impressed with Adam.  He hasn't seen the kids for nearly two weeks and he had the opportunity to spend some time with the three and he left?!  He didn't even offer to drive them home?! 
            Not much later, Adam called the oldest son to find out what little girl wanted for her birthday.  Okay, so I guess he left the other kids so he could birthday shop but why not wait 30 extra minutes?  Or take them with him? 
            After all of that wrapped up, I was a bit worried because the oldest still had not shown up.  I was contemplating calling the police or the school, when she walked in.  Apparently, she went to talk to her science teacher and said the other two kids did not follow.  We had a discussion about sticking together.  Then I grounded the oldest for leaving "the group."

September 5, 2014

            I woke Paisley up by bringing her a birthday cake in bed.  The other kids each had a gift to give her.  She had a great morning and was excited to take cookies to school to share with her friends (I sent a box of gluten free cookies for her). I texted Adam a picture of Paisley with her cake.  He responded that she was cute. 
I dropped the kids off with Adam at the usual time.  Paisley shouted from her bedroom window "Daddy is making me a cake and he has my toys on the table but I didn't look!"  Silly girl!  I am happy that he thought ahead enough to have the ingredients for a cake. 
            I am also still a little stunned that Adam responded to my inquiry about dropping the kids off on Sunday.  He never responded to my offer for him to drop them off at the Festival so I figure I will be seeing them at 7:30pm on Sunday. 
I did call Stivers magnet Office to find out if Adam paid even some of the fees.  I think the lady is getting use to me calling.  She said no fees had been paid.  It is very difficult to not think bad thoughts about Adam at times like this.  He has the money, why is he not paying those fees?

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