Tuesday, February 3, 2015

So tired of lice!

August 1, 2014
            Adam finally texted that he will pick the little kids up at 7pm.  Of course, he texted it in the middle of the day when I don’t have access to text.  I told him weeks ago that I do not have access to text while at work.  After I dropped the older kids off at theatre I drove by The Pub on my way to drop Mom off at her home.  I saw Adam’s vehicle parked at the Pub.  Instead of getting the kids at the usual 6pm he was participating in first Friday.  Mom could see I was upset so she came back to the house with me.
            When Adam came to pick the little kids up I handed him a bottle of Nix because little girl is still getting treated for lice.  She doesn’t currently have lice but to keep it that way she needs another treatment tonight.  I was trying to tell him that I had contacted the pediatrician and she said to only treat one more time before bringing little girl in for  Rx treatment.  I got about half the sentence out before Adam said, “My house doesn’t have lice.”  I tried to explain that it doesn’t matter, little girl has lice therefore she needs to be treated and so do both houses.  But again, I was interrupted, “I don’t have animals coming in and out of my house, you do!”  I stopped trying to communicate at that point and just handed him the shampoo and said, “Please treat her hair.”  I also asked him to be courteous and stop using text to communicate with me during the day.  I asked that he use my work email because it is a reliable form of communication during the day. He said nothing but turned and walked away. Mom heard the entire conversation and was a bit upset with Adam. 

August 2, 2014
            A one call came from theatre about having all costumes at rehearsal tomorrow.  I texted Adam to find out if he had received the message.  He responded, “Yes.”  I’ll take that to mean he knows what the children need for the show and will make sure they have it. 

August 3, 2014
            Kids came home at their usual time, 7pm.  two of the littler ones were hungry and I said they had just had dinner at daddy’s, they didn’t need something right now.  They both told me they did not have dinner.  I texted Adam to find out if they had eaten.  He did not respond. 
            Theatre costumes are not complete.  Adam brought the kids by the house while I was gone.  and they were able to gather a few pieces; everything else was grabbed at Goodwill on the way to rehearsal.  Two of them had “grey” white shirts that were a few sizes to big, as in one of the girls was wearing a man’s undershirt.  Her black shoes have the toes worn away; the oldest boy was given men’s shirts for his blue dress shirt and concert black.  The oldest girl is without concert black or a blue dress.  I’ll need to gather all of this very quickly before Thursday. 
            Middle boy also informed me that while they were at the house grabbing costume needs, Adam told them to get his bicycle wheel and quilt.  Middle boy asked him why he couldn’t get it and Adam told him he wasn’t allowed inside.  Adam never asked me for these items.  He could have done so and I would have given them to him.  I asked for my mementos that he took when he moved out.  I still have not received those and I don’t have the luxury of asking the children to get them for me. 
            Little girl told me Adam did treat her hair and #5's.  Not sure why he did #5’s hair, using that shampoo on an uninfected head seems irresponsible.  I combed little girl’s hair and found a lot of lice, alive and moving.  I took a video if them crawling on a paper towel.  Little girl informed me “Daddy didn’t do it like you do it.”  I asked her what she meant.  She said he washed her hair but didn’t let it sit for the required 10 minutes because, “we had to hurry to theatre.”  Great, the last time we could treat her head and he did it incorrectly. 
            Gary helped me research no pesticide options for treating lice.  I’ve spent over $200 treating this over the month and want it done!  Gary found an article about coconut oil being a good preventative.  I found a no pesticide shampoo.  Little girl will get treated with that tomorrow and I will follow up with the coconut shampoo and lots of combing for the rest of the week.

August 4, 2014

            Happy 15th anniversary.  I expected today to be rough but it wasn’t.  Work kept me plenty busy.  I celebrated with a lice treatment on little girl. 

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