Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Silent treatment

July 23, 2014

            One of the little girls asked me to text Adam to ask if he would be taking them to the Celtic Festival like he did last year.  He did not respond and she was pretty upset to not hear back.  I understand him not wanting to communicate with me but this was her message to him. 

July 24, 2014

            Mom took Ms. Middle Child to orientation.  They seemed to enjoy themselves.  Ms. Middle ChildI had number her elective choices
1.     Intro to Spanish
2.     Piano
3.     Keyboarding
4.     PE
I assume Adam will not mind these choices because they are the same ones we had her brother use.  She also wants to participate in the GRRRL Power club.  I informed Adam of these things and made sure Ms. Middle Child had extras of the papers in her bag to give to him this weekend.  If Adam has any questions or disagrees with anything I wouldn’t know because he still is not responding to anything. 

July 26, 2014
            I will be leaving for PA this morning to drive with Gary to pick his daughter up from their family reunion.  I made sure to text Adam that my phone service might not work once I leave the area but if there is an emergency Mom can get in touch with me.  I also let the kids know the same information. 

July 29, 2014

            I texted Adam to ask how he wanted to exchange kids this Friday.  The older kids have rehearsal at 630pm so I needed to know if he wanted me to drive them all to his house at 6pm or drop the older kids off first and then drive the little ones to him closer to 7pm.  Or I suggested he pick them all up at 6pm on his way home from work.  I have not gotten a response.             

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