Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I wish I could call this a new normal but it's old

May 7, 2014

            I’m trying to plan ahead for when I start working.  The biggest concern is childcare for littlest.  I realized I will need to pay for the first month in advance and asked Adam if I could use money from savings for it.  He said he would need more details about the costs.  Um, your child needs care while his mother is at work.  The costs are what they will be.  I figure I need to pull money for the first month and after that we can split the cost.  I called around and found a place for about $500 a month. 
            Littlest had a mud party.  Sent Adam a picture.  I also fixed the dye job Adam did on the oldest's hair.  He said he was going to fix it, he didn’t tell me that.  In the mean time our child was uncomfortable walking around with half her hair bleached/dyed. 

May 8, 2014

            Adam kept littlest this morning while I had my iron infusion.  He asked if I could pick him up earlier than I told him I would because he had a meeting.  I asked them to push the infusion faster than usual but I wasn’t able to get to Adam’s until 11:30 ish.  I tried. 

May 9, 2014

            Littlest wanted to have lunch with Adam.  I figured I would grocery shop while they ate.  First the lady in front of me wanted to argue her EBT amount with the cashier, then one of my grocery bags fell apart in the parking lot, then there was a traffic jam.  I ended up being 15 or so minutes late picking littlest up.  I felt bad and apologized. 

May 14, 2014

            I offered to let Adam come have dinner with the kids and do bedtime routines.  I’ll prep a dinner and then leave the house.  He said he appreciates it.  I figure letting him visit the kids midweek here at the house gives them more time since they don’t need to travel and he can put them to bed. 

May 16, 2014

            I transferred my weekly allowance from savings.  I am not going to assume Adam is neglecting transferring me money but instead figure he was just busy packing for his trip or driving and hasn’t had time.  I asked that instead of transferring the money to the joint checking he transfer it to the joint savings to make up for what I took out.  He did not. 

May 21, 2014

The STEM high school orientation was tonight!  With Adam out of town I kept him in the loop and texted him info during the talks.  I hope it was more informative than annoying. 

May 22, 2014

Just found out Adam is not getting back into town until Friday night then leaving again Saturday.  He’ll pick the kids up early Sunday morning.  I thought he was coming back Saturday night.  He asked the other singer int he band when they will be getting back and said late Saturday so Sunday works better.  So it sounds to me that I am being used as a babysitter while Adam records his album.  I am not complaining about having more time with my children, it would just be nice to be asked; especially when it is for a personal reason Adam is missing his parenting time.  Realizing the increased need in food for the weekend the following conversation occurred:

Me: “Will you be able to transfer my weekly allowance this week or should I transfer it from savings? Also, I figured your grocery budget allows for $2.14 a meal, I have taken on 84 of those meals (7 for last Friday, 21 for last Saturday, 21 for last Sunday, 7 for this Friday, 21 for this Saturday, and 7 for this Sunday), which comes to $179.76: please add this amount to my allowance this week. I won't worry about getting paid for the groceries I purchased while you recorded a few weeks ago.”

Adam: “Your grocery budget is already 200 dollars higher than mine per month, but I have the same number of meals to provide. Take an extra 100 from savings, but realize we've been eating ramen and cheap hamburger meat so you can eat better during the school week. Also, realize I don't have the opportunity to supplement my income with a job. When my money is gone, I don't eat.”

Me: “I provide 9 more meals a week and while that doesn't seem like a lot it is because it is mostly dinner. We eat better because I have started shopping only at Aldi, the food feeds the kids and I eat whatever is left. When my allowance or food is gone I go hungry. You have access to any money leftover from the utility budget items. But, since you think my request is unfair, never mind. Would you like me to also take $50 less per week so I get the same grocery budget?”

He never responded to that tantrum of mine. 

May 23, 2014

            Adam is on a business trip so I made sure to send him updates throughout the elementary school's field day.  Our fourth grader did great!  He won a relay and scored some runs in kickball.

I also sent him videos of the girls’ music showcase at school.

May 27, 2014

            Littlest has a rash.  Adam said a friend had poison ivy this weekend and they were at her house.  Ugh.  Hopefully it clears up and is something simple like heat rash. 
            First son got into the theatre magnet at school.  This brings Adam and I each paying $245 for this school.  Unless Second daughter is her normal awesomeness and also gets a second magnet, then we each pay $280.

May 28, 2014

            I am tired of these bad days.  I am getting worn out. 
            Little girl came home from school and in her backpack was an “invitation” to kindergarten graduation.  I knew it was coming up but was waiting for the teacher to send the info home.  I texted Adam the info immediately and he said it would be amazing if I would tell him about really important things a tiny bit more in advance.  I told him she just brought the info home. 
            This is better pasted and copied straight from the texts.

Adam: There was also a talent show, a play, multiple parent teacher conferences, and a science thing, all of which you told me about maybe 30 minutes before. Then there's you coming back 30 minutes late each time I've taken care of littlest. You don't need to act like that to prove a point. I was not the husband you needed. I get it. I was needy and you didn't respect me. Okay. You've moved on and have a happy loving relationship, and I don't. I may never. It's still all really fucking sad and most times unbelievably hard to handle. I don't need this passive aggressive stuff on top of it. So please give me some advance notice so I can still be a parent to my kids.”

Me: “You were out of town for the talent showcase. Yes, I goofed about telling you about the play before the day of but I am a little busy. You missed out on one parent teacher conference that I also almost missed because I forgot about. The science thing lasted all of five minutes and was just her showing me a board game she made, sorry you missed out on that. If being in the know about school stuff is so important you could have called or emailed the teachers and asked to receive updates. It is not my responsibility. And please stop suggesting all of this is so easy for me and you are the only one negatively impacted.”

Adam: “It's pretty hard having me take care of you without having to do anything for me in return. Must be really difficult.”

            I put my life on hold so he could go to school.  I waited. Not him.  I figured out how to juggle school and be a mom and wife.  I wasn’t always perfect in all of that but I was sure as hell better than he was.  When he was in school he would hide away in his office and leave the kids and me.  The term “AFIT widow” doesn't come from nowhere.  I don’t see him taking care of me now as unearned by me.  And yes, he is providing for us financially, but what about everything he is taking from me by sending these kinds of texts? 

            After a breather I responded to Adam. 

Me: “I think we would both have an easier time of getting over these negative feelings if there were some closure. When are you available to work on the dissolution together? Or have you and your lawyer already finished it?”

Adam: “I got an advance copy of the agreement the other day with some questions, and he fucked a lot of it up. I think he's trying to get all he can out of my retainer. Let me get back with you as to when I can meet.”

Me: “It would be nice to have some advance notice of what the agreement looks like at this point.”

Adam: “it looks like a damn mess. When it looks closer to the stuff we verbally agreed on, I'll send it to you so you can provide your inputs.”

Me: “I don't care if it is a mess. I am interested in the rough draft as much as the final.”

To which he responded with blurry not centered pictures of each page of the papers his lawyer sent him.  I could only read half of it.  I am so tired of this game he seems to be playing.  I am trying to maintain my calm.  I am trying to not be aggressive back at him.  It is so hard. 

May 29, 2014

            Asked Adam to transfer the weekly allowance. 
            I got mail from the IRS and opened it.  It says we owe $21K but $10K was paid and the rest is due by June 23.  I freaked out a bit and asked Adam if he knew what was up.  He said he is taking care of it and to send it to him.  Um, it has both our names on it, I would like to be kept in the loop.  I did call the IRS and got an explanation. 

May 30, 2014

            Asked Adam to transfer the allowance before 2pm.  I don’t understand why he doesn’t set up an auto transfer!  I also made sure he was aware that the checking account has be in overdraft three times now.  These recent overdrafts were from the checks I wrote to cover the sitting fees for CLEP/DANTES tests.  I paid Adam the cash for those or left the money in checking.  He needs to make sure that the bills he is paying from checking are covered by money he puts in there and not money I leave in there.   
              Adam seemed mad that I opened the mail from the IRS.  It was addressed to both of us.  It just stated the balance and payments for the tax loan.  I told Adam I would swing them by.

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