Monday, January 26, 2015

The new normal?

April 19, 2014

            The oldest is set to dye her hair.  She and I talked about it and in order for her to still be able to do theatre, we compromised on just dying the tips.

April 21, 2014

            Transferred money from savings to cover a DANTES exam.  Adam said it was okay.

April 22, 2014

            Adam:” Here’s to hoping you passed your final exam!  I’m sad we’re so distant now, because I’d love to be celebrating the culmination of all your hard work.”

It makes me sad too but I don’t think he really wants to hear how things make me feel.  He is still blaming me for everything and being so hurtful. Why would I share my accomplishment with the person that made it such a difficult journey?

April 24, 2014

            I took another CLEP/DANTES.  I haven’t received my own checks yet so I wrote one using the joint account to cover the sitting fee.  I let Adam know and I only transferred $405 of my allowance leaving the sitting fee amount in the account. 
            I had a bit of a rough time with the youngest kids.  They are certain Adam is going “far away and never coming back. " I asked that he call them to clear this confusion up.  He said he will.  I am thinking the little ones are confusing him going on a business trip to mean he is never coming back. 

April 25, 2014

            I promised Adam I would get an STI panel run since I didn’t use a condom the first time Gary and I had sex.  The results are back and there were no surprises.  As far as I know, Adam has not gotten his own STI panel run even though he has had at least four sex partners since opening the marriage and allowed a woman to perform oral sex on him without a condom. 

April 30, 2014

            A discussion about splitting the equity in the van and the house I'm living in with the children came up today.  Adam wanted to use the home equity to pay the tax bill.  I don’t see the house as having any real equity.  We know there are problems with the house that would need to be fixed before it could be sold: roof and chimneys.  The equity in the home would cover just those fixes needed to sell the home to break even.  Adam isn’t interested in a short-sale, which would mean buyers take as is, so the equity needs to be available.  He also said that if I weren’t able to keep the house he would want to buy it so the kids could still live here and not get “jerked around.”
            He also said when we split our debt it isn’t split by creditor; we each maintain responsibility for the debts no matter what.  He is worried that I would file bankruptcy and the debt I took would become his.  He wants to know what I plan to do.  He said he plans to split the debt then work like crazy to pay it off.  He said he would like to avoid a contested divorce and finalize things before he changes jobs.  I told him my debt free plan is similar: pay it off.  This should be a given since I am a Dave Ramsey follower. 
            Then he asked if I failed my last CLEP/DANTES.  He said I never told him so he assumed I passed. 
            He also wants to see the kids tonight.  I asked how he wants to go about that.  He said he would pick them up around 6pm and wants me to make sure they are finished with their homework and nighttime requirements including dinner.  Great, I get to rush our evening. 
            I asked if he wanted to keep them all night.  He said it makes him nervous that he might get them to school late because they haven’t done the school drill at his house.  He needs to do some planning to make sure they have all their school stuff packed and hair stuff ready.  Plus he needs to figure out when they would need to wake up. He said maybe they can start next week staying over during the week.  I don’t understand why he needs so long.  They have clothes.  He should have shampoo and such since they have been seeing him on the weekends.  All he needs to do is calculate the travel time.  

May 1, 2014

            First thing this morning Adam sent a Happy Birthday text.  I know he means well but he is approaching the day how he thinks he should.  He isn’t thinking how it might be a very hard day for me.  My last birthday was such a wonderful and loving surprise from him.  Today I struggled so much.  I wish he had just ignored the day and me. 
            To add insult to it all, Adam asked to take one of the boys out to a movie.  What happened to him harping about spending birthdays together as a family?  He wasn’t even going to pick him up until 8pm.  That would mean getting home after 11pm.  That seems very late for a school night and for a kid that has been sick lately.  I asked if there was an earlier show next week or maybe they could just go for dessert.  Little guy said he really wanted to go so I let him.  Happy birthday to me. 

May 2, 2014

            Little guy got sick at school.  I was grocery shopping.  Adam was not reachable.  Poor kid had to wait for me to drive there to get him.  Took about an hour. 
            Adam asked if I wanted the kids back for Mother’s Day.  I asked “Won’t I get them that evening?” or if he was keeping them until Monday.  He said it had nothing to do with Monday, he just thought I would want them the whole day.  I love my kids but I would like to sleep in on Mother’s Day.  We can celebrate Mother’s Day in the evening when he brings them home.  Call me crazy but having 7 kids waking me up bright and early and needing to be fed and then cleaned up after sounds like a lot of work on my “holiday.”
            This was followed by a lecture.  Adam is upset I “re-gifted” the birthday presents from the kids.  I explained that I didn’t re-gift, I shared.  He said it doesn’t matter how I spin it.  It’s not okay.  What I didn’t tell him was it was really difficult to accept gifts I knew came from him.  The kids never get me birthday presents.  But this wasn’t about me, it was about what Adam deemed appropriate behavior and I was wrong again.

May 6, 2014

            Infusion on Thursday, I asked Adam if he wanted to spend the morning with the littlest. 
            I was also busy cleaning out the classroom closet today and found a $389.13 check for Adam.   I asked what he wanted me to do with it (deposit or give to him).  He said to deposit it so he could pay his travel card.

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